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Allow us to introduce you to our world of robotics – here children learn to create simple computer programmes that control the behaviour of robotic characters using LEGO MINDSTORMS® software and Technic sets. Designed for children of eight (8) years upwards, the programmes teach programming and building skills step-by-step through playful topics. For older and more experienced people, the programmes provide opportunities to develop real-world engineering solutions.

J100CODERS RoboticStudio is a next generation environment in robotics education, enabling students to discover Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in a fun, engaging and hands-on manner.


  1. Members will learn how to ask the right questions; using the query structure: What, Who, Why, When, Where and How
  2. Members will learn how to design and build their own robotic characters and programme them for predefined functions.
  3. Members will learn how to break-down problems into small, logical pieces and solve them one-step-at-a-time in a more practical manner.
  4. Members will learn a mix of strategy, engineering and programming skills to perfect their robots
  5. Members will learn how to explore their imaginations and develop abilities to understand complex situations as well as endure tedious tasks 

This really is an excellent practical hands-on opportunity for children to learn about science, technology, engineering, mathematics, teamwork and develop problem solving skills through a fun and logical adventure! Contact us to find out more!

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